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Effective Date: December 21, 2023


Welcome to our online community! To ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Respectful Communication:

    • Treat fellow members with respect and courtesy.

    • Refrain from using offensive language or engaging in discriminatory behavior.

  2. Harassment and Bullying:

    • Zero tolerance for harassment, bullying, or intimidation.

  3. Content Standards:

    • Adhere to content guidelines and respect copyright and intellectual property rights.

  4. No Spam or Self-Promotion:

    • Avoid excessive self-promotion and spam.

    • Keep contributions relevant and meaningful.

  5. Privacy and Security:

    • Respect the privacy of others.

    • Do not share personal information without explicit consent.

  6. Legal Compliance:

    • Follow local, national, and international laws.

    • Report illegal activities to the appropriate authorities.

  7. Moderation Policies:

    • Acknowledge the decisions made by moderators/administrators.

    • Report any violations; do not take matters into your own hands.

  8. Inclusivity and Diversity:

    • Promote an inclusive and diverse environment.

    • Refrain from discriminatory behavior based on race, gender, religion, etc.

  9. Constructive Contributions:

    • Contribute constructively and positively to discussions.

    • Provide feedback respectfully.

  10. Age Considerations:

    • Adhere to age restrictions.

    • Ensure that all content is suitable for all audiences.

11. Members​ Participation: 

onBelay is not responsible for pre-screening members. Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these guidelines to create a welcoming community. Violations may result in warnings, content removal, or temporary/permanent bans. We appreciate your cooperation in making this community a great place for everyone!

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